Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here we go again

Well, I didnt realized that the last time I got in the blog was July 2009. My baby Vanessa, was just born and I was super excited to start the school year as second grade teacher. Two years later, Vanessa will be 2 years old tomorrow june 9th and I will be starting my 3rd year in 2nd grade. I LOVED teaching second grade!!!!. I had the chance to teach two sets of kids that I had in kinder and it was AWESOME. I loved both classes and I will miss them. Now we will have a new team, new kids and a new building. Its going to be an interesting year. I will miss the people that I wont be able to see everyday :(


  1. Change is always scary and never makes us feel secure about the future. The good thing is, we still have people that we can lean on, but in different ways. Looking forward to an interesting, fun filled, and educational year. :0)

  2. I can not figure out the last part of tool #3. I am so lost but I also don't feel good so there is no motivation to try.

  3. Im sorry, let me see. I just tried to to do the video.

  4. This has less to do with your blog, and more to do with your slogan. I really like "No shortcuts". A lot. I may steal it. Just wanted you to be aware... : )

  5. Be my guest Marley. We did t-shirts for my kids and will do them again this year :)
